Twice as Much Tomorrow


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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781664204737
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 240 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2021
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


Twice As Much Tomorrow is about the journey of a young lady who fell in love with God when she first met Him personally, in 1974. She was bold enough to tell Him she wanted everything He had that she could possibly have, and she didnt care what the cost was, personally, to herself. He took her up on her offer, and the next thing she knew her life was in a downward spin that was more like a roller coaster! There were funny times, heartbreaking times, and times she felt so close to God she could cuddle up and go to sleep in the shelter of His arms. Once Jesus actually took her for a walk with Him, hand in hand in the Spirit, with tears rolling down her face the entire time! She always told Him that was her biggest desire, and that she wanted them to just walk hand in hand, and talk like He and the apostles did when He was here with them. But she couldnt talk for crying! To have that kind of relationship with God is worth any price! Take a walk with Patricia and find out what its been like. She was given a direct promise from God, confirmed by three ladies, one of whom didnt even know the other two, and a visiting Evangelist, who she thought she was well hidden from, because she knew exactly what he was going to do! But he needed to give her a Word of Knowledge from the Lord, and would not be deterred. She then spent 40 years in the wilderness before she came to her Promised Land. There were times she didnt think she would make it mentally, but she always knew she would make it spiritually. Sometimes she felt like she was barely hanging on to Him by just a thread from His robe, and times He picked her up and carried her for days, weeks, months at a time. Then one night, she woke up to the knowledge that He was right there in the corner by the head of her bed. Everything will be okay Patricia. It is time. Im also going to bless you financially. You see, The Promise was never about material things; it was never about finances. It was always so much more! When God says He will never leave you, He means it! You can always count on Him. ALWAYS! The one thing shes learned above all else is that nobody can ever love you like God loves you. They dont have the capability; God created love, and God is love. You see, The Promise was never about material things; it was never finances. It was always so much more!

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