Review Questions for MRI


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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781118535974
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 368 S., 6.25 MB
Auflage: 2. Auflage 2013
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


** New revised second edition now available, with errors corrected and content fully updated **

The second edition of the classic text has been revised and extended to meet the needs of todays practising and training MRI technologists who intend to sit for the American Registry of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists (ARMRIT) examination. It provides Q&As on topics listed in the content specifications offered by the American Registry for Radiologic Technologists (AART) and offers the user with a comprehensive review of the principles and applications of MRI to prepare them for the examination.


Carolyn Kaut Roth, RT (R)(MR)(CT)(M)(CV) FSMRT, is a registered radiographer, who majored in physics at the University of Pennsylvania and received a clinical Master's degree (MSc) in Magnetic Resonance for Radiographers at Anglia Polytechnic Cambridge United Kingdom. She has served on MRI Educational Task forces for The American Council for Education with the Department of Education for the Federal Government of the United States. She is currently the CEO of Imaging Education Associates, which is an education services company serving the medical imaging industry with a focus on continuing education programs for radiographers.

William H. Faulkner, Jr., B.S.,R.T.(R)(MR)(CT) is MRI Education and Operations Consultant, William Faulkner Associates.


Preface vii

Acknowledgements ix

Introduction xi

Part A Patient Care in MRIBioeffects, Safety, and Patient Care 1

General patient care

1. Legal and ethical principles

2. Patient assessment, monitoring, and management

3. Interpersonal communications

4. Infection controlSpecial contributions to General Patient Care category have been provided by: Joy M. Fox, BS RT (R)(M)(QM)(CT) Faculty, Imaging Education Associates

MRI screening and safety

Introduction 1

Part A: Questions 7

Part A: Answers 44

Part B Imaging ProceduresClinical Applications, Enhancement Agents, Cross-Sectional Anatomy 61

1. MRI of the head and neck

2. MRI of the spine

3. MRI of the thorax

4. MRI of the abdomen and pelvis

5. MRI of the musculoskeletal system

Introduction 61

Part B: Questions 64

Part B: Answers 209

Part C Data Acquisition and ProcessingImage Parameters, Pulse Sequences, Spatial Localization, and Image Quality 245

1. Pulse sequences

2. Data manipulation

3. Special procedures

4. Sequence parameters and options

Introduction 245

Part C: Questions 248

Part C: Answers 284

Part D Physical Principles of Image FormationMR Physics, Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Physics, Tissue Characteristics, Image Quality, and Types of MR Magnets, Coils, and Peripheral Equipment 299

1. Instrumentation

2. Fundamentals

3. Artifacts

4. Quality control

Introduction 299

Part D: Questions 302

Part D: Answers 330

MRI calculations 343

Glossary of terms and abbreviations 345

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